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Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт.--сост. Б.М. Бим-Бад. - М.: Изд-во УРАО, 1998. - 576 с.
Стр. 618 Perkinson Henry J. Learning from our mistakes, Westport, Conn., 1984. *Pestalozzi Joahann Heinrich. Samtliche Werke: kritische Ausgabe, 21 Bde, Zurich, 1956—1964; Samtliche Briefe, 8 Bde, Zurich, 1946—1966. Peters Michael A., 1948. Individualism and community: education and social policy in the postmodern condition, London; Washington, D.C., 1996. Peters Richard Stanley, 1919. The logic of education (with P.H. Hirst), London; New York, 1989; Moral development and moral education, London; Boston, 1981; Essays on educators, London; Boston, 1981; Education and the education of teachers, London; Boston, 1977; Psychology and ethical development: a collection of articles on psychological theories, ethical development and human understanding, London, 1974; The concept of education, London; New York, 1967. Pettman Ralph, Human behaviour and world politics-: a transdisciplinary introduction, London, 1975. Philosophische Anthropologie der M.oderne / Hrsg. Rene Weiland; Helmut Gipper, et al., Weinheim, 1995. Philosophy of development: reconstructing the foundations of human development and education / ed. Wouter van Haaften; Michiel Korthals; Thomas Wren, Dordrecht; Boston, 1997. Pickering Marianne. Lessons for life: education and learning, Woodbridge, Conn., 1996. Pius XI, Pope, 1857—1939. Christian education of youth, Engl. trans. // Five great encyclicals, New York, 1953. *Plessner Helmuth. Conditio humana, Frankfurt am Main, 1983; Ausdruck und menschliche Natur, Frankfurt am Main, 1982; Die Stufen des Organischen und der Mensch: Einleitung in die philosophische Anthropologie; Frankfurt am Main, 1981; Macht und menschliche Natur, Frankfurt am Main, 1981; Die verspatete Nation, Frankfurt am Main, 1982; Anthropologie der Sinne, Frankfurt am Main, 1980; Gesammelte Schriften, 10 Bde / Hrsg. Gunter Dux, et al., Frankfurt am Main, 1980—1985. |