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Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт

Прислано в библиотеку: Sorokin
Стр. 619

Pollard Andrew. The social world' of children's learning: case studies of pupils from four to seven, London; New York, 1996.

Pollock Linda A. Forgotten children: parent-child relations from 1500 to 1900, Cambridge, 1983.

Pettier Richard. Essai d'anthropologie du mythe, Paris, 1994.

Pouchepadass Jacques, 1940; Stern Henri, 1942. De la royaute a 1'Etat: anthropologie et histoire du politique dans le monde indien, Paris, 1991.

Prakash Madhu Suri, 1951. Escaping education: living as learning within grassroots cultures (with Gustavo Esteva), New York, 1998.

Preuschoft Olaf. Warum kampfen? Wofur sterben?: zur Soziogenese und Anthropologie des Krieges, Frankfurt am Main, 1992.

Primhorn Hans, 1886—1933. Artistry of the mentally ill: a contribution to the psychology and psychopathology of configuration, Engl. transl., Wien; New York, 1995; Texte aus der Prinzhorn-Sammlung / hrsg. Inge Jadi, Heidelberg, 1985; Gesprach ilber Psychoanalyse zwischen Frau, Dichter und Arzt / hrsg. Bernd Urban, Frankfurt am Main, 1981; Personlichkeitspsychologie: Entwurf einer biozentrischen Wirklichkeitslehre vom Menschen, Leipzigr, 1932.


Quillien Jean. L'anthropologie philosophique de Guillaume de Humboldt, Lille, 1991.


Radcliffe-Brown Alfred Reginald, 1881—1955. Structure and function in primitive society, Glencoe, 111., 1968.

Ranganathananda Swami. Human being in depth: a scientific approach to religion / ed. Elva Linnea Nelson, Albany, NY, 1991.

Rank Otto, 1884—1939. Modern education: a critique of its fundamental ideas, Engl. transl. New York, 1968.

Reddie Cecil, 1859—1932. John Bull, his origin and character and the present condition of his big property, and two other papers on education, London, 1901.

Reforming personnel preparation in early intervention: issues, models, and practical strategies / ed. Pamela J. Winton, et al., Baltimore, Md., 1997.

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