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Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт

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Стр. 617

Palmer Martin. What should we teach?: Christians and education in a pluralist world, Geneva, 1991.

*Pareto Vilfredo, 1848—1923. The rise and fall of elites: an application of theoretical sociology / Introd. Hans L. Zetterberg, New Brunswick, N.J., 1991; The transformation of democracy, Engl. transl., New Brunswick, 1984; The mind and society, 4 v., New York, 1983; Ecrits de jeunesse / ed. Giovanni Busino, Geneve, 1982; Borghesia, elites, fascismo / a cura Marcello Veneziani, Roma, 1981; Compendio di sociologia generale, Torino, 1978.

Parker Stuart, 1954. Reflective teaching in the postmodern world: a manifesto for education in postmodernity, Buckingham; Philadelphia, 1997.

*Parsons Talcott. The social system / pref. Bryan S. Turner, London, 1991; Economy and society: a study in the integration of economic and social theory (with Neil J. Smelser), London; Bostoni, 1984; Working papers in the theory of action (with others), Westport, Conn., 1981; Action theory and the human condition, New York, 1978; The evolution of societies / ed. Jackson Toby, Englewood Cliff, N.J., 1977; The system of modern societies, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1971; Politics and social structure, New York, 1969; The American university (with Gerald M. Platt) , Cambridge, Mass., 1974.

Passmore John. The philosophy of teaching, Cambridge, Mass., 1980.

Pathways to cultural awareness: cultural therapy with teachers and students / ed. George and Louise Spindler, Thousand Oaks, Calif., 1994.

*Paulsen Friedrich. German education past and present, Engl. transl., New York, 1976; Friedrich Paulsen, an autobiography, New York, 1938; Die hoheren Schulen und das Universitatsstudium im 20. Jahrhundert, Braunschweig, 1901; Philosophia militans, Berlin, 1901.

Pearson Karl, 1857—1936. The grammar of science, Gloucester, Mass., 1969. Pecault Felix, 1828—1898. L'education et la vie nationale, Paris, 1897. Pedagogy, technology, and the body / ed. Erica McWilliam; Peter G. Taylor, New York, 1996.

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