§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Орлов А.Б. Психология личности и сущности человека: Парадигмы, проекции, практики: Учеб. пособие для студ. психол. фак. вузов

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Alima
Стр. 289

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189. CopelandA., White K. Studying Families. — Newbury Park (CA), 1991.

190. Cormier W.H., Cormier L.Sh. Interviewing Strategies for Helpers. — Pacific Grove, CA, 1991.

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199. Hareven T. Historical Analysis of the Family // Handbook of Marriage and the Family / M. Sussman, S. Steinmetz (eds.). — N. Y.; L., 1987.

200. Heatherington E.M. Divorce: a Child's Perspective // American Psychologist. — 1979. — Vol. 34.

201. Kadzin A. Methodology, Design and Evaluation in Psychotherapy Research//A. Bergin, S.Garfield (eds.). Handbookof Psychotherapy and Behaviour Change. - N.Y., 1994.

202. Kirschenbaum H., Henderson V. (eds.). Carl Rogers: Dialoques. — Boston, 1989.

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204. Lewin K. The Conflict between Aristotelian and Galilelian Modes of Thought in Contemporary Psychology//J. of General Psychology. — 1931. — VoI.V(2).

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