§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Кларин М.В. Инновации в мировой педагогике: обучение на основе исследования, игры и дискуссии. (Анализ зарубежного опыта)

В каталоге: Педагогика
Прислано в библиотеку: daninaksenija
Стр. 165

31.   Dewey J. Progressive education and the science of education. — Wash., 1928

32.   Dimensions of thinking: A framework for culliculum and instruction /Ed.by RJ.Marzano, R.S.Brandt, Carolyn Sue. Hughes a. o. — Alexandria (Va), 1989.

33.   Eggen P.D., Kauchak D.P. Strategies for teachers: Teaching content and thinking skills. — Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1988.

34.   Egan K. Teaching as story telling: An alternative approach to teaching and curriculum in the elementary school.- Chicago, 1989.

35.   Ellington H.J., Addinal E., Percival F. Games and simulations in science education. - L.-N.Y., 1981.

36.   Ellis A.K., Fouts J.T. Research on educational innovations. - Princeton Junction, 1993.

37.   Engelmann S., Carnine D. Theory of instruction: Principles and applications.- Rev.ed.-Eugene (Or.), 1991.

38.   Ennis R.H. A taxonomy for critical thinking dispositions and abilities // Teaching thinking skills: Theory and practice /Ed.by J.Baron, R.Sternberg.-N.Y., 1987.

39.   Fogarty R., Bellanca J. Teach them thinking: Mental menus for 24 thinking skills.- Palatine (111.), 1990.

40.   Gall M.D. Discussion method //The international encyclopedia of teaching and teacher education- Oxford, 1988.-P.232-237.

41.   Gall M.D., Gillett M. The discussion method in teaching //Theory Into Practice.-1980.-Vol.19.-N 1.

42.   Gordon W.J.J. The metaphorical way of learning and knowing,- Cambridge (Mass.), 1970.

43.   Handbook of research on teaching: A project of the American educational research association /Ed.by M.C.Wittrock. - N.Y.-L., 1986.

44.   Johnson D.W., Johnson R.T. Critical thinking through structured controversy // Educational Leadership.- 1988. - Vol.45.- N 8.

45.   Johnson D.W., Johnson R.T. Learning together and alone: Cooperation, competition and individulization. - Englewood Cliffs (N.J.), 1980.

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