§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Кларин М.В. Инновации в мировой педагогике: обучение на основе исследования, игры и дискуссии. (Анализ зарубежного опыта)

В каталоге: Педагогика
Прислано в библиотеку: daninaksenija
Стр. 164

13.   Фридман Л.М. Педагогический опыт глазами психолога. — М., 1987.

14.   Цукерман Г.А. Виды общения в обучении. — Томск, 1993.

15.   Anderson L.W. The classroom environment study: teaching for learning // Comparative Education Review. 1987.- Vol.31. P.69-87.

16.   Anderson L.W. Increasing teacher effectiveness. -Paris, 1991. Anderson L.W., Ryan D.W., Shapiro BJ. The IEA classroom environment study. — Oxford, 1989.

17.   Barzun J. Begin here: The forgotten condition of teaching and learning. — Chicago, 1991.

18.   Bellanca J., Fogarty R. Catch them thinking: A handbook of model lessons. -Palatine (111.), 1991.

19.   Bell-Gredler M.E. Learning and instruction: Theory into practice.— N.Y., 1986.

20.   Botkin J.W., Elmandra M, Melitza M. No limits to learning. — Oxford, 1980.

21.   Bridges D. Education, democracy, and discussion. — Slough, 1979.

22.   Brookfield S.D. Developing critical thinkers. — San Fransisco-Oxford, 1991.

23.   Brookfield S.D. The skillful teacher: On technique, trust, and responsiveness in the classroom. — San Fransisco-Oxford, 1991.

24.   Braner J.S. Toward a theory of instruction. - Cambridge, 1966.

25.   Callahan J.F., Clark L.H. Teaching in the middle and secondary schools. - N.Y.,1988.

26.   Carin A.A., Sund R.B. Teaching science through discovery. 3rd ed. — Columbus (Ohio), 1975.

27.   Clark L.H., Starr I.S. Secondary and middle school teaching. — N.Y., Toronto, 1991.

28.   Cooperative learning //Educational Leadership. 1990, Vol.47.- N 4.

29.   Corno L., Edelstein M. Information processing models //The international encyclopedia of teaching and teacher education. - Oxford, 1988.

30.   Dewey J. How we think: A restatement of the relation of reflective thinking to the educational process. — Boston, etc., 1933.

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