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Парамонова Л. А., Протасова Е. Ю. Дошкольное и начальное образование за рубежом: История и современность: Учеб. пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб, заведений

В каталоге: Педагогика
Прислано в библиотеку: lenchik214286
Стр. 259

32.    David T. Working together for young children. London: Routledge, 1994.

33.    England K. (ed.) Who will mind the baby? Geographies of child care and working mothers. London, 1996.

34.    Fennes H., Hapgood K. Intercultural learning in the classroom: crossing borders. London, 1997.

35.    Fihlo W. L., Lean K. 0. (eds) Teacher education for the environment. NY, 1996.

36.    Fradrich J., Loewenfeld M. Kinder, Umwelt und Natur. Ravensburg, 1994.

37.    Freeman J. Quality basic education: the development of competence. Paris, 1992.

38.    Haucke K. Chancen der Altersmischung im Kindergarten. Koln etc., 1987.

39.    Holt D, (ed.) Primary arts education. Contemporary issues. London, 1997.

40.    Huber L., Kegel G., Speck-Hamdan A. (Hg.) Einblicke in den Schriftspra-chenerwerb. Braunschweig, 1998.

41.    Johnston J. Early exploration in science. Buckingham, 1996.

42.    Lee V., Das Gupta P. (eds.) Children's cognitive and language development. Oxford, 1995.

43.    Luchtenberg S., Nieke W. (Hg.) Interkulturelle Pedagogik und europeisclie Dimension. Herausforderungen fur Bildungssystem und Erziehungswissenschaft. Munster, 1994.

44.    Martin D. J. Elementary science methods. A constructivist approach. Albany, 1997.

45.    Montessori M. Das kreative Kind. Der absorbierende Geist. Freiburg, 1987. Oates J. (ed.) The foundations of child development. Oxford, 1994. Oerter E. Psychologic des Spiels. Munchen, 1993. Retter H. (Hg.) Kinderspiel und Kindheit in Ost und West. Bad Hcilbrunn, 1991.

46.    Rothstein P.R. Educational psychology. New York etc., 1990.

47.    Russell H. Play and friendships in a multi-cultural playground. Melbourne, 1986.

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