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Кутузов Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка

В каталоге: Педагогика
Прислано в библиотеку: луговаялена
Стр. 181

4. She loved all these singing boys and girls.Þ Она любила всех этих поющих мальчиков и девочек.Þ She loved all these boys and girls who were singing.

5. Shocked by her beauty, I couldn't sleep that night.Þ В ту ночь я не мог уснуть, потрясенный ее красотой.Þ I couldn't sleep that night, because her beauty was a shock for me.Û I couldn't sleep that night, because I was shocked by her beauty.

6. Reading this newspaper you will be laughing.Þ Читая эту газету, ты будешь смеяться.Þ You will be laughing when you are reading this newspaper.

7. Having smoked one more cigar, I decided to leave.Þ Выкурив еще одну сигару, я решил уходить.Þ After I had smoked one more cigar I decided to leave.

8. Having been asked a lot of questions, she was shown to the doctor.Þ Ей задали много вопросов, а потом показали врачу.Þ After she had been asked a lot of questions they showed her to the doctor.

9. He is a man loved by everyone.Þ Он такой человек, что его все любят.Þ Не is such a man that everyone loves him.Û He is a man who is loved by everyone.

10. Though being written in pencil, the letter is easy to make out.Þ Хотя письмо и написано карандашом, его легко разобрать.Þ The letter is easy to make out though it is written in pencil.

11.1 saw my wife coming out of the house.Þ Я увидел свою жену, выходящую из дома.Þ I saw my wife who was coming out of the house.

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