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Бек А., Фримен А. Когнитивная психотерапия расстройств личности. Практикум по психотерапии

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Конфетти
Стр. 460

98.    Frazee, H. E. (1953). Children who later become schizophrenic. Smith College Studies in Social Work, 23, 125-149.

99.    Freeman, A. (1986). Understanding personal, cultural, and family schema in psychotherapy. In A. Freeman, N. Epstein, & K. Simon (Eds.), Depression in the family. New York: Haworth Press.

100.Freeman, A. (1987a). Cognitive therapy: An overview. In A. Freeman & V. Greenwood (Eds.), Cognitive therapy: Applications in psychiatric and medical settings. New York: Human Sciences Press.

101.Freeman, A. (1987b). Understanding personal, cultural, and religious schema in psychotherapy. In A. Freeman, N. Epstein, & K. Simon (Eds.), Depression in the family. New York: Haworth Press.

102.Freeman, A. (1988a). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. In G. Perris, I. Blackburn, & H. Perris (Eds.), Cognitive psychotherapy: Theory and practice. New York: Springer Verlag.

103.Freeman, A. (1988b). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. In C. Perris & M. Eisemann (Eds.), Cognitive psychotherapy: An update. Umea, Sweden: DOPUU Press.

104.Freeman, A., & Leaf, R. (1989). Cognitive therapy of personality disorders. In A. Freeman, K. Simon, L. Beutler, & H. Arkowitz (Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of cognitive therapy. New York: Plenum.

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106.Freeman, A., & Simon, K. М. (1989). Cognitive therapy of anxiety. In A. Freeman, K. Simon, L. Beutler, & H. Arkowitz (Eds.), Comprehensive handbook of cognitive therapy. New York: Plenum.

107.Freud, S. (1905/1953). Three essays on the theory of sexuality. In J. Strachey (Ed. and Trans.), Complete psychological works of Sigmund Freud (Standard Ed., Vol. 7). London: Hogarth Press.

108.Freud, S. (1908/1963). Character and anal eroticism. In P. Reiff (Ed.), Collected papers of Sigmund Freud, (Vol. 10). New York: Collier.

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