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Бек А., Фримен А. Когнитивная психотерапия расстройств личности. Практикум по психотерапии

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Конфетти
Стр. 459

87.    Fleming, B. (1983, August). Cognitive therapy with histrionic patients: Resolving a conflict in styles. Paper presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Anaheim, CA.

88.    Fleming, B. (1985, November). Dependent personality disorder: Managing the transition from dependence to autonomy. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy, Houston, TX.

89.    Fleming, В. (1988). Cognitive therapy with histrionic personality disorder: Resolving a conflict of styles. International Cognitive Therapy Newsletter, 4, 4-12.

90.    Fleming, В., & Pretzer, J. (in press). Cognitive-behavioral approaches to personality disorders. In M. Hersen (Ed.), Advances in behavior therapy. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.

91.    Foon, A. E. (1985). The effect of social class and cognitive orientation on clinical expectations. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 58(4), 357-364.

92.    Frances, A. (1985). DSM-III personality disorders. New York: BMA Audio Cassettes.

93.    Frances, A. (1987). DSM-III personality disorders: Diagnosis and treatment. New York: BMA Audio Cassettes.

94.    Frances, A. (1988). Dependency and attachment. Journal of Personality Disorders, 2, 125.

95.    Frances, A., Clarkin, J. F, Gilmore, M., Hurt, I., & Brown, I. (1984). Reliability of criteria for borderline personality disorder: A comparison of DSM-II and the Diagnostic Interview for Borderlines. American Journal of Psychiatry, 141, 1080-1084.

96.    Frances, A., & Nemiah, J. C. (1983). Treatment planning: Which psychodynamic therapy for a painfully shy patient? Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 34(12), 1111-1112, 1117.

97.    Frank, J. D. (1973). Persuasion and healing (2nd ed.). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

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