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Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт

Прислано в библиотеку: Sorokin
Стр. 623

Sydney Hook. Education and the taming of power, La Salle, 111., 1973. Sylver Harold. Education as history: interpreting 19th and 20th century education, London-New York, 1983.


Tawney Richard Henry, 1880—1962. Equality, New York, 1964. Taylor Alfred Edward, 1869—1945. The problem of conduct: a study in the phenomenology of ethics, London, 1901.

The teacher and the taught: education from Plato to James B. Connant, New York, 1963.

Teggard Frederic John, 1870—1946. Theory of history, New Haven, 1925.

Theories of personality / ed. G. Lindsay, С. Н. Hall, New York, 1965.

Theureau Jacques. Le cours d'action, analyse semiologique: essai d'une anthropologie cognitive situee / pref. Maurice de Montmollin, Berne; New York, 1992.

Thomas Aquinas, Saint, c. 1225—1274. Concerning the teacher // Mayer M.H. The philosophy of teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, Milwaukee, 1929.

*Thorndike Edward Lee. Human nature and social order, New York, 1940; Individuality, Boston, 1911; Notes on child study, New York, 1901.

*Tillich Paul. The courage to be, New Haven, Conn., 1980. Todorov Zvetan, On human diversity: nationalism, racism and exoticism in French thought, Engl. trans. Cambridge, Mass., 1993.

Tonnies Ferdinand, 1855—1936. Custom: an essay on social codes, Engl. transl. Chicago, 1971.

*Toffler Alvin. Learning for tomorrow: the role of the future in education, New York, 1974.

Touraine Allain, 1925. Critique de la modernite, Paris, 1992; Return of the actor: social theory in postindustrial society, Engl. transl. Minneapolis, 1987; The self-production of society, Enlg. transl. Chicago, 1977; The post-industrial society: tomorrow's social history: classes, conflicts and culture in the programmed society, Engl. transl. N.Y., 1971.

Transpersonal education: a curriculum for feeling and being / ed. Gay Hendricks; James Fadiman, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1976.

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