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Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт

Прислано в библиотеку: Sorokin
Стр. 594

Cremin Lawrence A., 1925—1990. The transformation of the school: progressivism in American education, 1876—1957, New York, 1961.

Critical pedagogy, the state, and cultural struggle / eds. Henry A. Giroux; Peter L. McLaren, Albany, 1989.

Critical postmodernism in human movement, physical education, and sport / ed. Juan-Miguel Fernandez-Balboa, Albany, NY., 1997.

*Croce Benedetto. La storia come pensiero e come azione, Bari, 1938.

Cross-cultural literacy: ethnographies of communication in multiethnic classrooms / eds. Marietta Saravia-Shore; Steven F. Arvizu, New York, 1992.

Cultural literacy and the idea of general education / eds. lan Westbury;

Alan C. Purves; Kenneth J. Rehage, Chicago, 1996.

The cultural production of the educated person: critical ethnographies of schooling and local practice / eds. Bradley A. Levinson, et al., Albany, NY., 1996.

Cummins Paul, 1937. For mortal stakes: solutions for schools and society, New York, 1998.


Dederich Markus. In den Ordnungen des Liebes: zur Anthropologie und Padagogik von Hugo Kukelhaus, Munster et al., 1996.

Delacampagne Christian, 1948. L'invention du racisme: antiquite et moyen age, Paris, 1983.

Delamont Sara, 1947; Atkinson Paul, 1947. Fighting familiarity: essays on education and ethnography, Cresskill, N.J., 1995.

Delbruck Hans 1848—1929. Geschichte der Kriegskunst im Rahmen der politischen Geschichte, Bd. 1—7, Berlin, 1900—1936.

Deliege Robert, 1953. Anthropologie sociale et culturelle, Bruxelles, 1992.

Delpit Lisa D. Other people's children: cultural conflict in the classroom, New York, 1995.

DeQuincey Thomas, 1785—1859. Letters to a young man whose education has been neglected // Essays, New York, 1886.

*Derrida Jacques. Apories: mourir — s'attendre aux «limites de la veri-te«, Paris, 1996; The gift of death, Engl. transl. Chicago, 1995; Politiques de 1'amitie; suivi de L'oreille de Heidegger, Paris, 1994; Spectres de Marx: 1'etat de la dette, le travail du deuil et la nouvelle internationale, Paris, 1993; Passions, Paris, 1993; Psyche: inventions de 1'autre, Paris, 1987; Du droit a la philosophie, Paris, 1990; De la grammatologie, Paris, 1967.

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