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Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт

Прислано в библиотеку: Sorokin
Стр. 592

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Burkert Walter, 1931. Anthropologie des religiosen Opfers, Munchen, 1984.

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Camilleri Carmel. Cultural anthropology and education, London, 1986.

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Cannella Gaile Sloan, 1951. Deconstructing early childhood education: social justice and revolution, New York, 1997.

Carranza Siles Luis. Antropologia pedagogica, La Paz, Bolivia, 1992.

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Century of genocide: eyewitness accounts and critical views / eds. Samuel Totten; William S. Parsons; Israel W. Charny, New York, 1997.

Challenges to European education: cultural values, national identities, and global responsibilities / ed. Thyge Winther-Jensen, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1996.

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