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Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт.--сост. Б.М. Бим-Бад. - М.: Изд-во УРАО, 1998. - 576 с.
Стр. 589 Armstrong Henry Edward, 1848—1937. A revolution called for in education, London, 1936; The future science of the schools, London, 1925; The teaching of scientific method and the other papers on education, London, 1910. Arnold Matthew, 1822—1888. Culture and anarchy, London, 1869. Aronowitz Stanley; Giroux Henry A. Postmodern education: politics, culture, and social criticism, Minneapolis, 1991. Aufenanger Stefan, 1950. Entwicklungspadagogik: die soziogenetische Perspektive, Weinheim, 1992. Auzias Jean-Marie, 1927. L'anthropologie contemporaine, Paris, 1976. *Ayer Alfred Jules. The meaning of life, New York, 1990. В Backes-Haase Alfons, 1956. Historiographie padagogischer Theorien, Weinheim, 1996. *Bain Alexander. Mind and body, London, 1873. Balandier Georges. Anthropologie politique, Paris, 1978. * Baldwin James Mark. Dictionary of philosophy and psychology, v. 1—3, London, 1901—1903; Social and ethical interpretations in mental development, New York, 1897; Philosophy: its relation to life and education, Toronto, 1890. Bandura Albert, 1925. Aggression: a social learning analysis, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1973; Social learning theory, Englewood Cliffs, N.J., 1977. Barnard Henry, 1811—1900. Kindergarten and child culture papers, New York, 1884; On education, ed. John S. Brubacher, New York, 1965. *Barth Ernst Emil Paul. Etische Jugendftirung: Grundztige zu einem systematischen Moralunterricht, Leipzig, 1919; Die Geschichte der Erziehing in soziologischer und geistgeschichtlicher Beleuchtung, Leipzig, 1911. Bartko Daniel, 1929. Moderna psychohygiena, Bratislava, 1975. Bastide Roger, 1898—1974. Applied anthropology, New York, 1973. Begabung und padagogischen Denken: ein Kernstuck anthropologischen Begrilndung von Erziehung / Hrsg. Paul Helbig, Weinheim et al., 1988. Begriindungsformen der Padagogik in der «Moderne», Weinheim, 1992. Bell Daniel, 1909. Toward the year 2000: work in progress / ed. Stephen R. Graubard, Cambridge, Mass., 1997; The winding passage: sociolo-gical essays and journeys / forew. Irving Louis Horowitz, New Brunswick, N.J., 1991; The end of ideology: on the exhaustion of political ideas in the fifties, Cambridge, Mass., 1988; The coming of post-industrial society; a venture in social forecasting, New York, 1973; The cultural contradictions of capitalism, New York, 1996; The reforming of general education / forew. David B. Truman, New York, 1966. |