§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Гозман Л.Я. Психология эмоциональных отношений

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: 137068
Стр. 147

199.          199. Touhey J. Interpersonal congruency, attitude similarity and interpersonal attraction//J. of research in personality. — 1975. — V. 9. '

200.          200. Udry R. The social context of marriage. — Philadelphia, 1971.

201.          201. Valins S. Cognitive effect of false heart-rate feedback//J. of personality and social psychology. — 1966. — V. 4.

202.          202. Walster E. The effect of self-esteem on romantic liking. — J. of experimental social psychology. — 1965. — V. 1.

203.          203. Walster E., Walster G. Effect of expecting to be liked on choice of associates//J. of abnormal and social psychology. — 1963. — V. 67.

204.          204. Walster E., Walster G. A new look at love. — L., 1978.

205.          205. Walster E., Walster G., Berscheid E. Equity theory and research. — Boston, 1978.

206.          206. Weiss R. The emotional impact of marital separation//J. of social issues. — 1976. — V. 32.

207.          207. Winch R. Mate-selection: a study of complementary needs. — N. Y., 1958.

208.          208. Wright P. A model and a technique for studies of friendship//J. of experimental social psychology. — 1969. — V. 5.

209.          209. Wylie R. The self-concept. V. 2. — Lincoln, 1979.

210.          210. Zaions R. Attitudinal effects of mere exposure//J. of personality and social psychology. — 1968. — V. 9.

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