§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Гозман Л.Я. Психология эмоциональных отношений

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: 137068
Стр. 146

188.          188. Rubin Z., Hill C, Peplau L, Duncel-Schetter С Self—disclosure in dating couples: sex roles and the ethic of openness//J. of marriage and the family. — 1980. — V. 42.

189.          189. Sarnoff I., Zimbardo P. Anxiety, fear and social isolation.// J. of abnormal and social psychology. — 1961. — V. 62.

190.          190 Schachter S. The psychology of affiliation. — Stanford, 1959.

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192.          192. Segal M. Alphabet and attraction: an unobtrusive measure of the effect of propinquity in a field setting //J. of personality and social psychology. — 1974. — V. 30.

193.          193. Sharabany R., Gershony R., Hpffman E. Girlfriend, boyfriend: age and sex differences in intimate friendship//Developmental psychology. — 1981. — V. 17.

194.          194. Shérif M., Shérif C. Groups in harmony and tension. — N. Y., 1953.

195.          195. Sigal H., Aronson E. Liking for a evaluator as a function of her physical attractiveness and nature of her evaluations //J. of experimental social psychology. — 1969. — V. 5.

196.          196. Silverman I. Physical attractiveness and courtship//Sexual behavior. — 1971. — September.

197.          197. Stroebe W. Self-esteem and interpersonal attraction//In: Theory and practice of interpersonal attraction. — L., 1976.

198.          198. Tesser A. Evaluative and structural similarity of attitudes as determinants of interpersonal attraction //J. of personality and social psychology. — 1971. — V. 18.

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