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Бурлачук Л.Ф., Коржова Е.Ю. Психология жизненных ситуаций: Учебное пособие

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: VooDoo
Стр. 121

14.  Ford C. V. The somatising disorders: Illness as a way of life. 3d print. New York etc., 1984.

15.  Freud A The ego and mechanisms of defense // The writings of Anna Freud. V. 2. 7th print. 1977.

16.  Heller S. S., Frank K. A, Komfeld D. S. etc. Psychological outcome following open-heart surgery//Arch. Int. Mod. 1974. V. 134.

17.  Henrichs I. F., Mackenzie J. W., Almond C. H. Psychological adjustment and acute response to open-heart surgery // J. Nerv. Ment. Dis. 1969. V. 148.

18.  Janis J. L. Psychological stress: Psychoanalytic and behavioral studies of surgical patients. New York, 1974.

19.  Kaplan S. M. Psychological aspects of cardiac disease: A study of patients experiencing mitral comissurotomy // Psychosom. Mod. 1956. V. 18.

20.  Kimball C. P. The experience of cardiac surgery and cardiac transplant // Modern perspectives in the psychiatric aspects of surgery. New York, 1976.

21.  Kimball C. P. Psychological responses to the experience of open-heart surgery // Coping with physical illness. New York, London, 1977.

22.  Magni G., Borgherini G. Psychosocial aspects of heart surgery // Психопатология, психология эмоций и патология сердца: Тез. докл. Всесоюз. симп. Суздаль, 1988.

23.  McDaniel J. W. Physical disability and human behavior. New York etc., 1969.

24.  Reiser M. F., Bahst H. Emotional aspects of heart surgery // Amer. handbook of psychiatry. New York, 1959.

25.  Titchener J. L., Levine M. Surgery as a human experience: The psychodinamicof surgical practice. New York, 1960.

26.  Willick M. On the concept of primitive defenses // Defense and resistance: Historical perspective and current concepts. New York, 1985.

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