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Бурлачук Л.Ф., Коржова Е.Ю. Психология жизненных ситуаций: Учебное пособие

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: VooDoo
Стр. 105

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45.  Price V. A. Type A behavior pattern: A model for research and practice. New York etc., 1982.

46.  Vervoerdt A. Psychopathological responses to the stress of physical illness // Adv. in Psychosom. Med. V. 8. Basel, 1972.

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48.  Zikmund V., Selko D., Breuer P. etc. Ability of coronary heart diseased patients to cope with stressful situations in various spheres of the premorbid life // Act. Nerv. Super. 1985. V. 27.

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