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Пергаменщик Л.А. Кризисная психология. Учебное пособие

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Nikolai
Стр. 185

57.               Ялом Ирвин Д. Лечение от любви и другие психотерапевтические новеллы. М.: Независимая фирма “Класс”, 1997, 288 с.

58.               Levi-Strauss Claud. Anthropologic structurale. Paris, 1958, Plon.

59.               Вrian W. Flynn, Ed. D. Psychological Aspect of Terrorism. Speech given at the first Harvard Symposium on the Medical Consequences of Terrorism. Bosston, Massachusetts, April, 24-25, 1996.

60.               Robert I. Simon, M.D., Robert A. Blum, M.D. After the Terrorist Incendent: Psychotherapeutic Treatment of Former Hostages. Fmerican Journal of Psychotherapy, Vol. XLI, No. 2, April 1987.

61.               The Social Context of Coping. Plenum Press. N.Y. 1991, 285 c.

62.               Uri Yanay, Ph.D. (The Herbert University of Jerusalem) Victicms of Terrorism: Is it a “Non-Issue?” Journal of Sociology & Social Welfare/ Vol. 4, 1997.

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