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Мамайчук И.И. Помощь психолога детям с аутизмом

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: mnal_g
Стр. 40

63. Mahler M., Purer M., Settlage C. Sever Emotional Disturbances in Childhood: Psychosis The Syndrome of Infantile Autism (Kanner)//American Handbook of Psychiatry. N.Y., 1959. Vol. 1. P. 824-830.

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67. Rutter M. Child schizophrenia reconsidered // J. Autism. Child Schizophrenia. 1972. Vol. 4. P. 315.

68. Rutter M., Maughan В., Martimore P., Outston J. Fifteen Thousand Hours: Secondary Schools and Their Effects on Children. Cambridge, Massachusetts. Harvard University Press, 1979.

69. Smalley S. L. Autism and genetic. Autismus bei Kindern. Berlin; Hamburg, 1988.

70. Weber D. Autistische syndrom // Psychiatrie der Gegenwart. Berlin: Springer, 1988. Vol. 7. S. 57-87.

71. WingL. Early childhood autism. Oxford, 1976.

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