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Мамайчук И.И. Помощь психолога детям с аутизмом

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: mnal_g
Стр. 120

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53. Hermelin В., O'Connor N. Psychological Experiments with Autistic Children. Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1970. Chap. 3.

54. KannerL. Autistic disturbances of affective contact // Nervous Child. 1943. N 2. P. 217-250.

55. Krevelen van Am. D. On the relationship between Early Infentile autism and autistic Psychopathy // Acta Paedopsychiatrica. 1963, Vol. 30. N 9-10. P. 303-323.

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57. RutterM. Childhood schizophrenia reconsidered //J. Autism Child. Schizophrenia. 1972. Vol. 2. P. 315-337.

58. RutterM. Maternal Deprivation. Baltimore: Penguin Books, 1972.

59. Stem W. Die menschliche Perscnlichkeit. Leipzig, 1923.

60. »7nf I. Autistic children. N.Y., 1985.

61. WingL. (Ed.) Early Childhood Autism: Clinical, Educational, and Social Aspects. 2nded. N. Y.; Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1976. P. 342.

62. Wolff?. H. Observations on the Early Development of Smiling // В. М. Foss et al. Determinants of Infant Behaviors. L., 1963. Vol. 2. P. 113-138.

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