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Глэддинг С. Психологическое консультирование

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Alena1992
Стр. 43

38.   Colangelo N. (1985). Overview. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 19, 244-245.

39.   Corsini R. J. (1995). Introduction. In R.J. Corsini & D. Wedding (Eds.) Current psychotherapies (5th ed., pp. 1-14). Itasca IL: Peacock.

40.   Davis H. V. (1988). Frank Parsons: Prophet, innovator, counselor. Carbondale: University of Southern Illinois Press.

41.   Drummond R.J. & Ryan С W. (1995). Career counseling: A developmental approach. Upper Saddle River NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

42.   Gardner G. W. (1990). On leadership. New York: Free Press.

43.   Gilligan С (1982). In a different voice. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

44.   Gladding S. T. (1999). Group work: A counseling specially. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River Nj: Merrill/Prentice Hall.

45.   Gladstein G. A. & Apfel F. S. (1987). A theoretically based adult career counseling center. Career Development Quarterly, 36, 178-185.

46.   Glosoff H. L. & Rockwell P. J. Jr. (1997). The counseling profession: A historical perspective. In D. Capuzzi & D. R. Gross (Eds.) Introduction to the counseling profession (2nd ed., pp. 3-47). Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

47.   Goetz B. (1998 May 27). An inside/outsider's view of the counseling profession today. Paper presented at the Chi Sigma Iota Invitational Counselor Advocacy Conference Greensboro NC.

48.   Goodyear R. K. (1984). On our journal's evolution: Historical developments, transitions, and future directions. Journal of Counseling and Development, 63, 3-9.

49.   Goodyear R. K. &Watkins С E., Jr. (1983). С. Н. Patterson: The counselor's counselor. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 61, 592-597.

50.   Gummere R. M. Jr. (1988). The counselor as prophet: Frank Parsons, 1854-1908. Journal of Counseling and Development, 66, 402-405.

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