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Глэддинг С. Психологическое консультирование

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Alena1992
Стр. 413

44.   Morris К. Т. & Kanitz M.' (1975). Rational-emotive therapy. Boston; Houghton Mifflin.

45.   Newhorn E. (1978). Albert Ellis. Human Behavior, 7, 30-35.

46.   Penfield W. (1952). Memory mechanisms. Archives of Neurology and Psychiatry, 67, 178-198.

47.   Penfieid W.& Jasper H. (1954). Epilepsy andthe functional anatomy ofthe human brain. Boston:

48.   Pennebaker J. W.( 1990). Opening up: The healing power of confiding in others. New York: Avon.

49.   Powell J. (1976). Fully human.fully alive. Niles IL: Argos.

50.   Roush D. W. (1984). Rational-emotive therapy and youth: Some new techniques for counselors. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 62,414-417.

51.   Rush A. J., Beck А. Т., Kovacs M. & Hollon S.(1977). Comparative efficacy of cognitive therapy ' and pharmacotherapy in the treatment of depressed outpatients. Cognitive Therapy and It Research, 1, 17-37.

52.   Schuyler D. (1991). A practical guide to cognitive therapy. New York: Norton.

53.   Seligman L. (1997). Diagnosis and treatment planning in counseling (2nd ed.). New York:

54.   Sklare G., Taylor j. & Hyland S. (1985). An emotional control card for rational-emotive imagery Journal of Counseling and Development, 64, 145-146.

55.   Solomon A. & Haaga D. (1995). Rational emotive behavior therapy research: What we know and ft what we need to know. Journalof Rational-Emotive and Cognitive Behavior Therapy, 13,193-201.

56.   Verrnon A. (1996). Counseling children and adolescents: Rational emotive behavior therapy and humanism. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 35, 120-127.

57.   Walen S. R., DiGuiseppe R. & Dryden W. (1992). A practitioners guide to rational-emotive theraру. New York: Oxford University Press.

58.   Watts R. E. (1996). Some contemporary rational emotive behavior therapy songs. Journal of Hитапistic Education and Development, 35, 117-119.

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