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Глэддинг С. Психологическое консультирование

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Alena1992
Стр. 181

53.   Gilligan C. (1982). In a different voice: Psychological theory and women's development. Cambridge MA: Harvard University Press.

54.   Gladding S. Т. (1999). Group work: A counseling specialty (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River NJ:Merrill/Prentice Hall.

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56.   Goldman L. (1972). Introduction. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 51, 85.

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59.   Hammerschlag C. A. (1988). The dancing healers. San Francisco: Harper & Row.

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65.   Havighurst R.J. (1959). Social and psychological needs of the aging. In L. Gorlow & W. Katkovsky (Eds.) Reading in the psychology of adjustment (pp. 443-447). New York: McGraw-Hill.

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