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Глэддинг С. Психологическое консультирование. -- 4-е изд. – СПб.: Питер, 2002. – 736с: ил. – (Серия «Мастера психологии»)
Стр. 131 64. Patterson С. Н. (1971). Are ethics different in different settings? Personnel and Guidance Journal, 50,254-259 65. Pelsma D. M. & Borgers S. B. (1986). Experience-based ethics: A developmental model of learning ethical reasoning. Journal of Counseling and Development, 64, 311-314. 66. Piazza N.J. & Baruth N. E. (1990). Client record guidelines. Journal of Counseling and Development, 68, 313-316. 67. Pope K. S. & Vetter V. A. (1992). Ethical dilemmas encountered by members of the American Psychological Association. American Psychologist, 47, 397-411. 68. Remley T. P. Jr. (1985). The law and ethical practices in elementary and middle schools. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 19, 181-189. 69. Remley T. P. Jr. (1991). Preparing for court appearances. Alexandria VA: American Counseling Association. 70. Remley T. P. Jr. (1992 Spring). You and the law. American Counselor, 1, 33. 71. Remley T. P Jr., Herlihy B. & Herlihy S. B. (1997). The U.S. Supreme Court decision injaffee v. Redmond: Implications for counselors. Journal of Counseling & Development, 75, 213-218. 72. Robinson S. E. & Gross D. R. (1986). Counseling research: Ethics and issues. Journal of Counseling and Development, 64, 331-333. 73. Romano G. (1992). The power and pain of professionalization. American Counselor, 1, 17-23. 74. Rosenthal H. (1998). Before you see your first client. Holmes Beach, FL: Learning Publications. 75. RuethT., Demmitf A. & Burger S. (1998 March). Counselors and the DSM-1V: Intentional and unintentional, consequences of diagnosis. Paper presented at the American Counseling Association World Conference Indianapolis IN. Salo M Forester. 76. Miller H. & Hamilton W M. (1996). Report of the АСА ethics committee: 1995-1996. journal of Counseling and Development, 75, 174-175. |