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Кутузов Л. Практическая грамматика английского языка. -- М.: ВЕЧЕ, 1998. - 199 с.
Стр. 332 Пример английской искаженной речи низкого уровня:— Who the' dell are yet An' why ye brung me 'ere? Û Who the devil are you? And why did you bring me here? — I want to ask you some questions and I want truthful answers. Now, tell me what happened just before the ship sank. — Weel, I tell ye, it wam't much different from any other cross-ing, 'cepting it were a rough sea. Û Well, I'll tell you. It was not much different from any other crossing, except it was a rough sea. — Was there a fire on board? — Jes' a wee one in one o' the topsails. Warn't none on deck 'til she blew. Then they 'us fire everywhere. Û Just a weak one in one of the topsails. Was not any on deck until she blew. Then there was fire everywhere. — What was in the hold? — Gunpowder, a 'course. Helped load 'er meself. 'Ope 'e rots in 'ell who lit it. Û Gunpowder, of course. I helped to load her myself. I hope he'll rot in hell who lit it. |