§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Брин И.Л., Демикова Н.С., Дунайкин М.Л., Морозов С.А., Морозова С.С., Морозова Т.И., Праведникова Н.И., Татарова И.Н., Черепанова И.В., Шейнкман О.Г. К медико-психолого-педагогическому обследованию детей с аутизмом

В каталоге: Дефектология
Прислано в библиотеку: InyaK
Стр. 35

12.    Tsai L.Y. Wing L. .Schopler and G.Mesibov.-New York and London, 1987.-P. 180-191.

13.    Recent neurobiological findings in autism.// Diagnosis and treatment of autism./ Ed. by C. Gillberg.-New York and London, 1989.-P. 83-104.

14.    The diagnosis of autism. // Diagnosis and treatment of autism./ Ed. by C. Gillberg.-New York and London, 1989.-P. 5-22.

15.    Gillberg С Early symptoms of autism.// Diagnosis and treatment of autism./ Ed. by C. Gillberg.-New York and London, 1989.-P. 23-32.

16.    Gillberg С The first evaluation: treatment begins here. // Diagnosis and treatment of autism./ Ed. by C. Gillberg.-New York and London, 1989.-P. 139-150.

17.    Matthews P. A miracle in the making.-Dublin, 1996.

18.    Rodier P.M., Ingram J.L., Tisdale В., Nelson S., Romano J. Embriological origin for autism.//J. comparative embriology, 1996, v.370, №2, p.247-261.

19.    E.Schopler, G.Mesibov. Cross-Cultural priorities in developing autism servies.// International priorities for developing autism services via TEACCH Model-Int.J.Ment.Health, p.L-2000, vol.29, p.3-21.

20.    Tsai L.Y. Pre-, peri-, and neonatal factors in autism.//Neurobiological issues in autism./ Ed.

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