§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Шефов С.А. Психология горя

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: lisya
Стр. 119

72.    When a Parent Dies: A guide for patients and their families http://www.hospicenet.org/html/ parent.html.

73.    Williams M., Frangesch B. Developing strategies to assist sudden-death families: A 10-year perspective // Death Studies, Sep-Oct., v. 19 (5), 1995, p. 475-487.

74.    Wolfelt A, D. Helping Teenagers Cope with Grief, http:// www.hospicenet.org/html/ teenager.html.

75.    Wolfelt A. D. Understanding Grief: Helping Yourself Heal. Levittown, PA: Accelerated Development, 1992. (http://www.psc. uc.edu/sh/SH_Grief.htm.)

76.    Worden J. W. Talking To Children About Death. 1991. http://www.hospicenet.org/html/ talking.html.

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