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Эволюция психотерапии: Сборник статей. Т. 2. Осень патриархов: психоаналитически ориентированная и когнитивно-бихевиоральная терапия / Под ред. Дж.К. Зейга / Пер. с англ. —— М.: Независимая фирма "Класс", 1998. — 416 с. — (Библиотека психологии и психотерапии).
Стр. 65 2. Masterson, J.F. (1971). Diagnosis and treatment of the borderline syndrome in adolescents (in French). Confrontations Psychiatriques (Paris), 7, 125—155. 3. Masterson, J.F. (1972a) . Treatment of the borderline adolescent — A development approach. New York: Wiley. 4. Masterson, J.F. (1972b). Intensive Psychotherapy of the adolescent with a borderline syndrome (in Spanish). Cuaderno de la ASAPPIA, 3, 15—50. 5. Masterson, J.F. (1976). Psychotherapy of the borderline adult: A development approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel. 6. Masterson, J.F. (1978). The borderline adult: Therapeutic alliance and transference. American Journal of Psychiatry, 135, (4), 437—441. 7. Masterson, J.F. (1980). Psychotherapie Bei Borderline-Patienten. Germany: CIP Kurztitelaufnahme der Deutschen Bibliothek. 8. Masterson, J.F. (1981). Narcissistic and borderline disorders: An integrated developmental approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel. 9. Masterson, J.F. (1983). Countertransference and psychotherapeutic technique: Teaching seminars on psychotherapy of the borderline adult. New York: Brunner/Mazel. 10. Masterson, J.F. (1985). The real self — A developmental, self and object relations approach. New York: Brunner/Mazel. 11. Masterson, J.F. (1987). Borderline and narcissistic disorders — An integrated developmental object relations approach. In J.S. Grotstein, M.F. Solomon, & J.A. Lang (Eds.), The borderline patient: Emerging concept in diagnosis, psychodynamics, and treatment (Vol. I, pp. 205—217). New Jersey: Analytic Press. 12. Masterson, J.F., & Rinsley, D.B. (1975). The borderline syndrom: The role of the mother in the genesis and psychic structure of the borderline personality. International Journal of Psychoanalysis, 56 (II). |