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Эволюция психотерапии: Сборник статей. Т. 2. Осень патриархов: психоаналитически ориентированная и когнитивно-бихевиоральная терапия / Под ред. Дж.К. Зейга / Пер. с англ

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Рина55
Стр. 365

35.    Norcross, J.C. (Ed.). (1986). Handbook of eclectic psychotherapy. New York: Brunner/Mazel.

36.    Norcross, J.C., & Grencavage, L.M. (1990). Eclecticism and integration in counseling and psychotherapy: Major themes and obstacles. In W. Dryden & J.C. Norcross (Eds.),Eclecticism and integration in counseling and psychotherapy. Essex, England: Gale Centre Publications.

37.    O’Halon, W.H. (1990). A grand unified theory for brief therapy: Putting problems in context. In J. K. Zeig & S.G. Gilligan (Eds.), Brief therapy: Myths, methods and metaphors (pp. 78—89). New York: Brunner/Mazel.

38.    O’Leary, K.D., & Wilson, G.T. (1987). Behavior therapy: Application and outcome (2nd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

39.    Ost, L.G., & Sterner, U. (1987). Applied tension: A specific behavioral method for treating blood phobia. Behavior Research and Therapy, 25, 25—30.

40.    Rachman, S., & Wilson, G.T. (1980). The effects of psychological therapy. London: Pergamon.

41.    Rogers, C.R. (1957). The necessary and sufficient conditions of therapeutic personality change. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 21, 95—103.

42.    Salkovskis, P.M., & Westbrook, S. (1989). Behaviour therapy and obsessional ruminations: Can failure be turned into success? Behaviour Research and Therapy, 27, 149—160.

43.    Saltzman, N., & Norcross, J.C. (1990). Therapy wars: Contention and convergence in different clinical approaches. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

44.    Smith, M.L., Glass, G., & Miller, T. (1980). The benefits of psychotherapy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.

45.    Wilson, G.T. (1990). Clinical issues and strategies in the practice of behavior therapy. In C.M. Franks, G.T. Wilson, P.Cp. Kendall, & J.P. Foreyt (Eds.), Review of behavior therapy, Vol. 12 (pp. 271—301). New York: Guilford Press.

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