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Роджерс К. Психология супружеских отношений. Возможные альтернативы / Пер. с англ. В. Гаврилова

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Мариса
Стр. 227

65.    PACKARD, V. ' upheaval in male fer McKay Company, In(

66.    PERLS, F. S. | The Real People PJ

67.    PERLS, F. S. t The Real People P

68.    RIMMER, R/ Robert Poteete, in*

69.    ROGERS, С NY: Harper and P

70.    ROGERS, G E. Merrill, 1969.

71.    ROGERS, ( Journal of Appliec

72.    ROGERS, С Mifflin Co., 196 Houghton Mifflin,

73.    SHEDD, C. W. Letters to Philip. (On how to treat a \x man.) Garden City, New York: Doubleday & Co., 1968.

74.    SHOSTROM, E., & KAVANAUGH, J. Between man and woman: The dynamics of intersexual relationships. Los Angeles, Calif.: Nash Publishing Co., 1971.

75.    SMITH, GERALD W. Me and you and us. New York, NY: Peter Wyden, Inc., 1971.

76.    TENENBAUM, S. A. .A psychologist looks at marriage. New York, NY: A. S. Barnes & Company, 1968.

77.    THORP, R., & BLAKE, R. Wives: An investigator*. Philadelphia,Pa.:Lippincott (M. Evans publisher),1971.

78.    TOFFLER, A. Future shock. New York, NY: Random H isf 1970; London, UK: Bodley Head, 1970.

79.    VAN DE VELDE, Т. Н. Ideal marriage: Its physiobf technique. New York, NY: Random House, 1962.

80.    VINCK, J., & CATOIR, J. T. The challenge of love: f advice on freedom of conscience and happiness in marriaj York, NY: Hawthorne Books, 1969.

81.    VIORSTJUDITH. It's hard to be hip over thirty an tragedies of married life. New York, NY: The New An i

82.    Library, Inc., 1968.

83.    WILLIAMS, MARY MCGEE. Marriage for beginners. Nt York, NY: Macmillan, 1967.

84.    WYSE, LOIS. I love you better now. Cleveland, Ohio: Gi in. Press, 1970. \

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