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Мадди С. Теории личности: сравнительный анализ// Пер. с англ. И. Авидона, А. Батустина, П. Румянцевой. - СПб.: Издательство "Речь", 2002. - 539 с.
Стр. 613 204.McKinnon, D.W. The violations of prohibitions in the solving of problems. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard Univer., 1933. 205.McKinnon, D.W. The nature and nurture of creative talent. Amer. Psychologist, 1962, 17, 484-495. 206.McKinnon, D.W. Personality and realization of creative potential. Amer. Psychologist, 1965, 20, 273-281. 207.McKinnon, D.W. and Dukes, W. Repression. In L.Postman (Ed.), Psychology in the making. New York: Knopf, 1962. 208.Maddi, S.R. Exploratory behavior and variation-seeking in man. In D.W.Fiske and S.R.Maddi (Eds.), Functions of varied experience. Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey, 1961 (a). 209.Maddi, S.R. Unexpectedness, affective tone, and behavior. In D.W.Fiske and S.R.Maddi (Eds.), Functions of varied experience. Homewood, Ill.: Dorsey, 1961 (b). 210.Maddi, S.R. Affective tone during environmental regularity and change. J. abnorm. soc. Psychol., 1961, 62, 338-345 (c). 211.Maddi, S.R. Humanistic psychology: Allport and Murray. In J.M.Wepman and R.W.Heine (Eds.), Concepts of personality. Chicago: Aldine, 1963. 212.Maddi, S.R. Motivational aspects of creativity. J. Pers., 1965, 33, 330-347. 213.Maddi, S.R. he seeking and avoiding of variety. Unpublished manuscript, Chicago, 1968. 214.Maddi, S.R. and Andrews, Susan. The need for variety in fantasy and self-description. J. Pers., 1966, 34, 610-625. 215.Maddi, S.R. and Berne, Naomi. Novelty of productions and desire for novelty in active and passive forms of the need for variety. J. Pers., 1964, 32, 270-277. 216.Maddi, S.R. and Propst, Barbara. Activation and personality. Unpublished manuscript read at АРА convention. Philadelphia, 1963. 217.Maddi, S.R., Propst, Barbara, and Feldinger, I. Three expressions of the need for variety. J. Pers., 1965, 33, 82-98. 218.Maddi, S.R., Charlens, A.M., Maddi, Dorothy, and Smith, Adrienne. Effects of monotony and novelty on imaginative productions. J. Pers., 1962, 30, 513-527. |