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Мадди С. Теории личности: сравнительный анализ

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: balmont
Стр. 608

123.Freeman, C.L. The relationship between performance level and bodily activity level. J. exp. Psychol., 1940, 26, 602-608.

124.French, Elizabeth C. Some characteristics of achievement motivation. J. exp. Psychol., 1955, 50, 232-236.

125.French, Elizabeth C. Motivation as a variable in work partner selection. J. abnorm. soc. Psychol., 1956, 53, 96-99.

126.Freud, Anna. The ego and the mechanisms of defense. New York: Int. Univer. Press, 1946.

127.Freud, S. Quelques considerations pour une etude comparative des paralysies motrices organiqucs ct hysteriques. Arch. De Neurologic, 1893, 26, 29-43.

128.Freud, S. Beyond the pleasure principle. London: International Psychoanalytic Press, 1922.

129.Freud, S. Character and anal erotism. In S. Freud. Collected papers. London: Institute for Psychoanalysis and Hogarth Press, 1935. Vol. 2 (a).

130.Freud. S. Instincts and their vicissitudes. In S. Freud. Collected papers. London: Institute for Psychoanalysis and Hogarth Press, 1935. Vol. 2 (b).

131.Freud, S. On the transformation of instincts with especial reference to anal erotism. In S.Freud. Collected papers. London: Institute for Psychoanalysis and Hogarth Press, 1935. Vol. 2 (c).

132.Freud, S. Some character types met with in psychoanalytic work. In S.Freud. Collected papers. London: Institute for Psychoanalysis and Hogarth Press, 1935. Vol. 2 (d).

133.Freud, S. The infantile genital organization of the libido. In S.Freud. Collected papers. London: Institute for Psychoanalysis and Hogarth Press, 1935. Vol. 2 (e).

134.Freud, S. The ego and the id. London: Institute for Psychoanalysis and Hogarth Press, 1927.

135.Freud, S. Civilization and its discontents. New York: Norton, 1930.

136.Freud, S. New introductory lectures to psychoanalysis (tr. W.J.H.Sprott). New York: Norton, 1933.

137.Freud. S. The problem of anxiety. New York: Norton, 1936.

138.Freud, S. Totem and taboo. New York: Norton, 1952.

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