§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Фурманов И.А. Психологические основы диагностики и коррекции нарушений поведения у детей подросткового и юношеского возраста

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: annabel
Стр. 155

151.                     Kitron D. G. The application of psychodynamic methods within the framework of behavior therapy // J.Contemp. Psychother.–1991, N 1.–pp.53–62.

152.                     Klein M. Some theoretical conclusions regarding the emotional life of the infant/ Developments: Development in Psycho–analysis.– London, Hogard Press, 1952.– P. 206.

153.                     Klinger E. Consequences of commitment to and diseengagement from incentives// Psychological Review, vol. 82, 1975.– p. 1–25.

154.                     Kornadt H.-J. Toward a motivational theory of aggression and aggression inhibition/ Determinant and Origins of Aggressive Behavior.– Den Haag, 1974.– P. 34–46.

155.                     Kornadt H.-J. et al. Cross-cultural research on motivation and its contribution to a general theory of motivation/ Handbook of Cross-Cultural Psychology.– Boston, 1980.– P. 17–34.

156.                     Levin K. Dynamic Theory of Psychology: Select Paper.– N.Y.–L.,1935.–p.106.

157.                     Levin K. Field theory of learning.– In: Yearbook of National Social Studies of Education, 1942.– vol. 41.– P. 35–37.   

158.                     Lewis M., Rosenblum L. (eds.) Frendship and peer relation.– N.Y..– 1975.

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