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Прист С. Теории сознания / С. Прист ; Пер. с англ. А.Ф. Грязнова. -- М. : Идея-Пресс: Дом интеллектуал. кн., 2000. - 287 с.
Стр. 254 2. Kenny A. Wittgenstein. Harmondsworth, 1975. ИДЕАЛИЗМ 1. Essays on Berkeley / Foster J., Robinson H. (eds). Oxford, 1988. 2. Foster J. The Case for Idealism. London 1982. 3. Hegel's Critique of Kant / Priest S. (ed.). Oxford, 1987. 4. Priest S. The British Empiricists: Hobbes to Ayer (London, 1990) ch.3. 5. Sprigge T. The Vindication of Absolute Idealism. Edinburgh, 1983. Urmson J.O. Berkeley. Oxford, 1982. МАТЕРИАЛИЗМ 1. Armstrong D.M. A Materialist Theory of the Mind. London, 1968. 2. Davidson D. Essays on Actions and Events. Oxford, 1980. 3. Honderich T. A Theory of Determinism: The Mind, Neuroscience and Life-Hopes. Oxford, 1988. 4. Issues in Marxist Philosophy: Vol.II. Materialism / Mepham J., Ruben D.H. (eds). Sussex, 1979. 5. Levin M.E. Metaphysics and the Mind-Body Problem. Oxford, 1979. 6. McGinn C. Philosophical materialism // Synthese, №44, June 1980. 7. Place U.T. Is consciousness a brain process? // Readings in Philosophy of Psychology / Block N. (ed.). London, 1980. 2 vols. 8. Ruben D.-H. Marxism and Materiahsm. Sussex / New Jersey, 1977. 9. Smart J.J.C. Philosophy and Scientific Realism. London, 1969. 10. Smart J.J.C. Sensations and brain processes // Readings in Philosophy of Psychology / Block N. (ed.). London, 1980. 2 vols. |