§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт

Прислано в библиотеку: Sorokin
Стр. 627

In the first chapter the exigency, the feasibility, and the evolution of educational anthropology are considered.

The second chapter «Education and Social Awareness» is devoted to pedagogical interpretation of the data of philosophy of religion, philosophy of knowledge, philosophy of art, philosophy of science, and history of philosophy.

In the third chapter «Education and Historical Processes» some pedagogical conclusions from ethnology, historiography, history of culture, history of education, and futurology are considered.

The materials assembled in the chapter «Education, Individual, and Society» represent the interpretation of works on social psychology, law, philosophy of law, politology, and ethics.

The last chapter «Human Being—Education—Humankind» considers moulding of one's moral character under the influence of society as well as of some individuals (in particular). The data of various pedagogical sciences here are generalised.

The leading theme of the book is the education for freedom. A corresponding characteristic curriculum is suggested. All chapters are accomplished with special questions and assignments designed for the application of theory to educational practice.

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