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Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт

Прислано в библиотеку: Sorokin
Стр. 621

*Schaff Adam. Marxismus und das menschliche Individuum, Deutsch. iiberz., Riebek bei Hamburg, 1972; A philosophy of man, Engl. transl. New York, 1968.

Scheffler Israel. Of human potential: an essay in the philosophy of education, Boston, 1985.

Schneider Hermann, 1874. Philosophic der Geschichte, 2 Bde, 1923. Schnelle Udo. Neutestamentliche Anthropologie: Jesus, Paulus, Johannes, Neukirchen, Vluyn, 1991.

Schutz Alfred, 1899—1959. Collected papers, 3 v., The Hague, 1962—1966. Serres Michele. Detachment, Engl. transl. Athens, Oh., 1989; Hermes: literature, science, philosophy, Engl. transl. Baltimore, 1983; The parasite, Engl. transl. Baltimore, 1982.

Seruan-Schreiber Jean Louis, 1937. Le retour du courage, Paris, 1986. Shaftesbury Anthony Ashley Cooper. Characteristics of men, manners, opinions, times, 3 v., New York, 1978.

Sherrington Charles Scott. Man on his nature, London, 1975. Sigrist Christian. Das RuBlandbild des Marquis de Custine: von der Civilisationskritik zur RuBlandfeindlichkeit, Frankfurt am Main; New York, 1990.

*Simmel Georg. The problems of the philosophy of history: essays, Engl. transl. New York, 1977; On individuality and social forms, Engl. transl. Chicago; London, 1971.

Simon Yves Rene Marie, 1903—1961. Community of the free, Engl. transl. Lanham, Md., 1984.

Skinner Burrhus Frederic. Science and human behavior, New York, 1967.

Smith Peter, 1944; Jones O.R., 1922. The philosophy of mind: an introduction, New York, 1986.

Sorel George, 1847—1922. Reflections on violence, Engl. transl. New York, 1975.

The sources of hope / ed. R. Fitzgerald, 1944, Rushcutters Bay (Australia), 1979.

Southey Robert, 1774—1843. Essays, moral and political, Clifton, N.Y, 1973.

Spanos William V. The end of education: toward posthumanism, Minneapolis, 1993.

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