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Педагогическая антропология: Учебное пособие / Авт

Прислано в библиотеку: Sorokin
Стр. 596

Drechsler Julius. Bildungstheorie und Prinzipienlehre der Didaktik, Heidelberg, 1967; Anthropologie und Padagogik, Ratingen, 1965.

Dreneli Karl. Anthropologie des Jugendalfers, Ratingen et al., 1974.

Der Dualismus im modernen Weltbild, Berlin, 1923.

Dubos Rene Jules, 1901—1982. So human an animal, New York, 1968.

Dubuisson Daniel, 1950. Anthropologie poetique: esquisses pour une anthropologie du texte, Louvain-la-Neuve, 1996.

*Durkheim Emile. The evolution of educational thought: lectures on the formation and development of secondary education in France, Engl. transl. London, 1977; Pedagogy and sociology, Engl. transl // School and society: a sociological reader, London; Herley, 1977; Le socialisme, Paris, 1928; L'education morale, Paris, 1925; Education et sociologie, Paris, 1922; Les formes elementaire de la vie religieuse, Paris, 1912; Introduction a la sociologie de la famille, Bordeaux, 1888.

Durr Walter, et al. Padagogische Anthropologie und Evolution: Beitrage der Humanwissenschaften zur Analyse padagogischer Probleme / Hrsg. Johanna Uher, Eriangen, 1995.

Duval Gilbert, et al. Suicides et tentatives de suicide a La Reunion: epidemiologie, anthropologie, abord socio-culturel, essai de prevention / textes, Paris, 1995.


Edgerton Susan Huddleston, 1955. Translating the curriculum: multiculturalism into cultural studies, New York, 1996.

Education and cultural process: anthropological approaches / Ed. George Dearborn Spindler, Prospect Heights, 111., 1987.

Education and the nature of man: a document from the Joint Study Commission on Education, World Council of Churches, World Council of Christian Education, Geneva, 1967.

Education, autonomy, and democratic citizenship, London; New York, 1997.

Edwards Richard, 1956. Changing places?: flexibility, lifelong learning, and a learning society, London; New York, 1997.

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