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Степанов А.М. Основы медицинской гомеостатики.(Лекции по теории и практике биоинформационных коррекций)

В каталоге: Медицина
Прислано в библиотеку: Mineralka
Стр. 214

161. Cannon W. The wisdom of the body. -London. Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. 1932. 246 p.

162. Jacobson E. Evidence of contraction of specific muscles during imagination. //Amer. J. Physiol. 1930. 95. P. 703-720.

163. Jacobson E. Anxiety and tension control. Philadelphia 1964.

164. Lilly J. The Center of the Cyclone. -N.Y. 1972.

165. Omura Y. New simple early dignostic methods using Omura's "Bi-digital O-Ring Dysfunction Localization Method" and their application to the "Drag & Food Compatibility Test" for individual organs and to auricular diagnosis of internal organs-part I.// Acupuncture & Electro-Therapeutics Res. Int. J. Vol.6. 1981. P. 239-254.

166. Penfeld W., Rasmussen T. The Cerebral Cortex of Man. N.Y.: Macmillan. 1950.

167. Schultz J. Die Seelische Krankenbehandlung (Psychotherapie). V Aufl. Jena. 1943.

168. Schultz J. Das autogene Training. Stuttgart. 1966.

169. Schultz J. Das autogene Training. 14. Aufl.-Stuttgart. 1973.

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