§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Гозман Л.Я. Психология эмоциональных отношений

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: 137068
Стр. 144

164.          164. Kiesler S., Baral R. The search for a romantic partner // Personality and social behavior. — Reading, Mass., 1970.

165.          165. Latta R. There is method in our madness: interpersonal attraction as a multidimensional construct//J. of research in personality. — 1976. — Vol. 10.

166.          166. Lasky E. Physical attractiveness and its relation to self esteem//Love and attraction. — Oxford, 1979.

167.          167. Lee L. Sequences in separation//J. of social and personality relationships. — 1984. — Vol. 1.

168.          168. Lerner M. Social psychology of justice and interpersonal attraction//Foundation of interpersonal attraction. — N. Y., 1974.

169.          169. Levinger G. Development and change//In: Close relationships. — N. Y., 1983.

170.          170. Levinger G. A social psychological perspective of marital dissolution//J. of social issues. — 1976. — V. 32.

171.          171. Liberman K. Handbook of marital therapy. — N. Y., 1980.

172.          172. Livson N. The physical attractive woman at age 40//Love and attraction. — Oxford, 1979.

173.          173. Mandler G. Mind and emotion. — N. Y., I975.

174.          174. Martin L, Seta S. Perception of unity and distinctiveness as determinants of interpersonal attraction//J. of personality and social psychology. — 1983. — V. 44.

175.          175. Maslow A. Motivation and personality. — N. Y., 1972.

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