§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Гозман Л.Я. Психология эмоциональных отношений

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: 137068
Стр. 141

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136.          136. Dutton D., Aron A. Some evidence for heightened sexual attraction under condition of high anxiety//J. of personality and social psychology. — 1974. — V. 30.

137.          137. English H., English A. A comprehensive dictionary of psychological and psychoanalitical terms. — N. Y., 1958.

138.          138. Fiore A., Swensen С Analysis of love relationships in functional and dysfunctional marriages // Psychological Reports. — 1977. — V. 40.

139.          139. For gas J., Dobosz P. Dimentions of romantic involvement// Social psychology quarterly. — 1980. — V. 43.

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