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Чошанов М. A. Гибкая технология проблемно-модульного обучения: Методическое пособие

В каталоге: Педагогика
Прислано в библиотеку: soloman
Стр. 70

61. Вi11stein R., Lott T. Mathematics for Liberal arts: A problem solving approach. - Menlo Park: Benjamin Cummings, 1986.

62. В1аnк W. Е. Handbook for developing Competency-Based Training Programs. - New-Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1982.

63. Bloom B. S., Broder L. Problem solving processes of college students. Supplementary Education Monograph. - Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1950.

64. Bransford J. D., Stein S. B. The IDEAL problem solver.-" N-Y.: W.H. Freeman & C, 1984. -U .

65. Вгite11 Т. К. Competency and Exellence Minimum Competency Achivment Testing/Taeger R. M. & Title C.K. (eds). - Berkeley, 1980. -P. 23-29.

66. Сuгсh C. Modular courses in British higher education // A critical yassesment in higher education bulletin. - 1975, Vol. 3. - P. 65-84.

67. Goldschmidt В., Goldschmidt M. Modular Instruction in Higher Education // Higher Education. - 1972. - № 2. - P. 15-32.

68.International Annual on educational technology. - London, 1978-1979.

69. Кilpatriс Т. A retrospective account of the past twenty-five years of research on teaching mathematical problem solving // Teaching and Learning Mathematical Problem Solving: Multiple research perspectives. -London: LEA, 1985. - P. 1-16.

70. Lange V. Geometry in modules: Teacher's Manual. - London: Addison-Wesley P. C, 1986.

71. MadiganS., Rоuse M. Picture memory and visual-generation processes//The American Journal of Psychology.-1974, Vol. 87.-P. 151-158.

72. Modularization and progression: Issues in the 14-19 curriculum: Working Paper. - London: London Univ. Press. - 1989. - № 6.

73. Modularization and the new curricular. - London: FESC Report, 1986; Vol. 19. - № 4.

74. Moon B. Introducing the modular curriculum // The modular curriculum. - London, 1988. - P. 9-21.

75. Noddings N. Small groups as a setting for research on mathematical problem solving // Teaching and Learning Mathematical problem solving. -London; 1985. - P. 345-360.

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