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Маслоу А. Мотивация и личность/Пер. А.М.Татлыбаевой. -- СПб.: Евразия, 1999
Стр. 458 76. Burrow, T., Preconscious Foundations of Human Experience, Gait, W. E. (ed.), New York: Free Press, 1964. 77. Burtt, E. A., In Search of Philosophic Understanding, London: George Alien and Unwin, 1967. 78. Cannon, W. G., Wisdom of the Body. New York: Norton, 1932. 79. Carpenter, J., Relations between dominance-feeling (self-esteem) and musical tastes, Unpublished. 80. Carpenter, J., and Eisenberg, P., Some relations between family background and personality, J. Psychol., 1938, 6, 115-136. 81. Cauffman, J., Motivating university women to positive behavior, J. Health human Behav., 1966, 7295-302. 82. Chenault, J., Syntony: A philosophical premise for theory and research, in Sutich, A., and Vich, M. (eds.), Readings in Humanistic Psychology, New York: Free Press, 1969. 83. Cheney, S., Men Who Have Walked With God, New York: Knopf, 1945. 84. Chiang, Hung-min, and Maslow, A. H., The Healthy Personality: Readings, New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1969. 85. Chiang, Hung-min, An experiment in experiential approaches to personality, Psychologia, 1968, 11, 33-39. 86. Child, I., The experts and the bridge of judgment that crosses every cultural gap, Psychology Today, 1968, 2, 24-29. 87. Clark, J. V., Worker Motivation, Alcan, Ltd., Mimeographed copies are available from the author. 88. Clark, J. V., Motivation in work groups: A tentative view, Human Organization, 1960, 19, 199-208. 89. Combs, A., and Snygg, D., Individual Behavior, 2nd ed., New York: Harper & Row, 1959. 90. Combs, A. (ed.), Perceiving, Behaving, Becoming: A New Pocus for Education, Washington, D.C.: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, 1962. |