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Сатпрем. Шри ауробиндо или путешествие сознания / Перевод А.А.Шевченко и В.Г.Баранова. –– Л.: Издательство Ленинградского университета, 1989
Стр. 249 15. Anilbaran's Journal (из неопубликованного) 16. On Himself, 26: 455 17. The Life Divine, 18: 108 18. Savitri, 28: 4 19. Thoughts and Glimpses, 16: 384 20. The Hour of God, 17: 148 21. The Hour of God, 17: 149 22. The Life Divine, 18: 162 23. The Life Divine, 18: 378 24. The Hour of God, 17: 15 25. The Life Divine, 18: 129 26. The Life Divine, 18: 87 27. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 151 28. Savitri, 28: 90 29. The Life Divine, 18: 243 30. The Problem of Rebirth, 16: 241 31. The Human Cycle, 290 32. The Hour of God, 17: 48 33. The Synthesis of Yoga, 20: 216 34. Savitri, 28: 235 35. The Hour of God, 17: 7 36. The Life Divine, 18: 3-4 37. Thoughts and Glimpses, 16: 32 38. Thoughts and Glimpses, 17: 82 39. Thoughts and Glimpses, 16: 384 40. The Synthesis of Yoga, 21: 798 ГЛАВА 17 1. The Life Divine, 109 2. The Human Cycle, 292 3. The Hour of God, 17: 7 4. The Supramental Manifestation, 15: 24 5. The Supramental Manifestation, 16: 8 6. The Supramental Manifestation, 16: 29, 37 7. Savitri, 28: 338 8. Nirodbaran: Correspondence... I, 56 |