§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Богданова Т.Г. Сурдопсихология: Учеб. пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб. заведений

Стр. 153

Использованная литература

Allen Т.Е., Osborn T.I. Academic Integration of Hearing-Impaired students: Demographic, Handicapping and Achievement factors // American Annals of the Deaf. — April. — 1984.

Berry V. S. Communication Priorities and Strategies for the Mainstreamed Child with Hearing Loss//Volta Review. — 1992. — № 1.

Cates J.A. Comparison of Human Figure Drawings by Hearing and Hearing-Impaired Children // Volta Review. — 1991. — № 1.

Lee C, Antia S. A Sociological Approach to the Social Integration of Hearing-Impaired and Normally Hearing Students // Volta Review. — 1992. — № 9.

Levine E. S. The Ecology of Early Deafness. — New York, 1981.

Meadow K. Deafness and Child Development. — Los Angeles, 1980.

Moores D.F. Educating The Deaf: Psychology, Principles and Practices — Boston, 1987.

Oblowits N., Green L, Heyns de V.J. A Self-Concept Scale for the Hearing-Impaired //Volta Review. — 1991. — № 1.

PlapingerD., Kretschmer R. The Effect of context on the Interaction Between a Normally Hearing Mother and Her Hearing: Impaired Child // Volta Review — 1991.-№2.

The Present Situation and Trends of Research in the Field of Special Education. — Paris, 1973.

Wilson N. O. Organizing Special Education. — New York, 1992.ШульцД., Шульц С.-Э. История современной психологии. — СПб., 1998.

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