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Психосинтез. Теория и практика. Составил и перевел В.Данченко издание второе, исправленное и дополненное - К.: PSYLIB, 2002
Стр. 295 ЦентрыЕвропа Institute Francais de psychosynthese 61 Rue de la Verrerie 75004 Paris France Institute of Psychosynthesis Highwood Park, Nan Clark's lane Mill Hill London NW7 England Institute di psicosintesi Via san Domenico 16 50133 Firenze Italy Канада Center de psychosynthesis de Montreal, Inc. 433, St. Joseph est. Montreal, Quebec H2J 1J6 Canada The Toronto Centre for Psychosynthesis 263 Seaton street Toronto, Ontario M5A 2T5 Canada США International Association for Managerial and Organizational Psychosynthesis (IAMOP) 3308 Radcliffe Road Thousand Oaks, СА 91360 USA Psychosynthesis Institute of New York 5 Milligan Place New York, NY 10011 USA Psychosynthesis International P.O. Box 926 Diamond Springs, CA 95619 USA Psychosynthesis Training Program 718 Balboa st. San Francisco, СА 94118 USA |