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Глава четвертая. Психофизиологические механизмы речи// Общее языкознание: формы существования, функции, история языка./ Под ред. Б. А. Серебренникова. – М.: "Наука", 1970. - 597 Стр. 64 95. К. Âühler. Sprachtheorie. Jena, 1934.<368> 96. N. Chomsky. [Рец. на:] В. F. Skinner. Verbal behaviour. «Language», 1959, v. 35, ¹1. 97. Н. Н. Ñlark. Some structural properties of simple active and passive sentences. «Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior», 1965, v. 4, ¹4. 98. Ch. Clifton. The implications of grammar for word associations. Paper prepared for the Verbal Behavior Conference. N. Y. 1965. [отпечат. множит. апп.] 99. J. Deesе. The structure of associations in language and thought. Baltimore, 1965. 100. P. Delattrå. Les indices acoustiques de la parole. «Phonetica». 1958, v. 2, ¹1—2. 101. Directions in psycholinguistics (Ed. by Sheldon Rosenberg), N. Y. — London, 1965. 102. Å. Fischer-Jørgensen. What can the new techniques of acoustics contribute to linguistics? «Proceedings of the 8-th International Congress of linguists». Oslo, 1958. 103. O. Fujimura. Bilabial stop and nasal consonants: a motion picture study and its acoustical implications. «Journal of Speech and Hearing Research», 1961, v. 4, ¹3. 104. R. Godel. Les sources manuscrites du «Cours de linguistique générale» de F. de Saussure. Genéve — Paris, 1957. 105. J. Í. Gråenberg. The word as a linguistic unit. — В сб.: «Psycholinguistics». 2-nd ed. Bloomington, 1965. 106. M. Halle and K. N. Stevens. Speech Recognition: A Model and a Program for Research. «IRE Transactions on Information Theory», IT-8, 1962. 107. D. Howes. Foundations of a physiological theory of human language. Paper to be presented at the Verbal Behaviour Conference. N. Y., 1965. [отпечат. множит. апп.]. |