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Глава вторая. Знаковая природа языка

В каталоге: Филология
Стр. 50

82.     E. Êuryłowicz. Linguistique et theorie du signe. «Journal de Psychologie», 1949, 42.

83.     E. Lerch. Vom Wesen des sprachlichen Zeichens. «Acta Linguistica», 1939, v. I, ¹3.

84.     A. Martinet. La double articulation linguistique. — TCLG, 1949, v. 5.

85.     Ñh.W. Morris. Foundations of the theory of signs. «International Encyclopedia of United Science». Chicago, 1938, v. I, ¹2.

86.     Ñh. W. Morris. Signification and significance. Cambridge (Mass.), 1964.

87.     Ñh. W. Morris. Signs, language and behaviour. N. Y., 1946.

88.     С. К. Ogden, I. A. Richards. The meaning of meaning. London, 1923.

89.     Ñh. S. Pierce. Collected Papers. Cambridge (Harvard University), 1931.

90.     L. Prietо. Massages et signaux. Paris, 1964.

91.     W. Qnine. From a logical point of view. Cambridge (Mass.), 1953.

92.     В. Russel. Human knowledge. Its scope and limit. London, 1948.

93.     W. Schmidt. Lexikalische und actuelle Bedeutung. Berlin, 1963.

94.     A. Sechehaye. Ch. Bally, H. Freis. Pour l'arbitraire du signe. «Acta Linguistica», 1940, v. 2, ¹2,

95.     H. Spang-Hanssen. Recent theories on nature of language sign. — TCLC, 1954, v. 9.

96.     J. Trier. Der deutsche Wortschatz im Sinnbezirk des Verstandes. Heidelberg, 1931.

97.     S. Ullmann. Semantics. An introduction into the science of meaning. Oxford, 1962.

98.     S. Ullmann. The principles of semantics. Glasgow, 1957.

99.     W. W. Urban. Language and reality. London, 1939.

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