§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Глэддинг С. Психологическое консультирование

В каталоге: Психология
Прислано в библиотеку: Alena1992
Стр. 374

87.   Thompson С. D. & Rudolph L. B. (1996). Counseling children (4th ed.). Pacific Grove CA: Brooks/Cole.

88.   Wallace W. A. (1986). Theories of counseling and psychotherapy. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.

89.   Watts R. E. (1996). Social interest and the core conditions: Could it be that Adier influenced Rogers? Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 34, 165-170.

90.   Whiteley J. M. (1987). The person-centered approach to peace. Counseling and Values, 32, 5-8.

91.   Wilbur M. P., Roberts-WilburJ. & Morris,;. R. (1990). A humanistic alternative for counseling alcoholics. Journal of Humanistic Education and Development, 28, 146-165.

92.   Yalom I. D. (1980). Existential psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books.

93.   Zajonc R. (1984). On the primacy of affect. American Psychologist, 39, 117-123.

94.   Zinker J. (1978). Creative process in Gestalt therapy. New York; Random House.

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