§ библиотека мастерская Помощь Контакты Вход —

Слобин Д., Грин Дж. Психолингвистика. Перевод с английского Е. И. Негневицкой/ Под общей редакцией и с предисловием доктора филологических наук А. А. Леонтьева

В каталоге: Психология
Стр. 213

Br uner J. S. О ! ver R. R., G г ее n f i e 1 d P. M. et al. Studies in cognitive growth. N. Y., 1966.

Campbell R., Wales R. The study of language ac­quisition. In: Lyons J. (Ed.). New Horizons in Lin­guistics. Penguin, 1970.

Carmichael L., H o-gan H. P., Walter A. A. An experimental study of the effect of language on the representation of visually perceived form. — «Journal of Experimental Psychol.», 1932, 15, 73—86.

Carroll J. В., Casagran-d e J. B. The function of lan­guage classification. In: M а с с о b у E. E. et al. (Eds.). Readings in social

psychology. N. Y., 1958, 18— 31.

*C a r s w e 1 1 E. A., R о m m e t-veit R. (Eds.) Social Con­texts of Messages. L.— N. Y., 1971.

С a z d e n С. В. The acquisition of noun and verb inflec­tions. — «Child Develop­ment», 1968, 39, 433—448.

С h a s e W. G., С 1 a r k H. H. Mental operations in the comparison of sentences and pictures. In: G r e g g L. (Ed.) Cognition in Learning and Memory. Wiley, 1972.

Chomsky N. Syntactic struc­tures. The Hague, Mouton, 1957.

Chomsky N. A review of ver­bal behavior, by B. F. Skin­ner. — «Language», 1959, 35, 26—58.

Chomsky N. Current issues in linguistic theory. The Ha­gue, Mouton, 1964.

Chomsky N. Aspects of the theory of syntax. Cambridge, 1965.

Chomsky N. Topics in the Theory of Generative Gram­mar. The Hague, Mouton, 1966 (a).

Chomsky N. Linguistic theo­ry, 1966 (b). In: Lester M. (Ed.) Readings in Applied Transformational Grammar. N. Y., 1970.

Chomsky N. Language and Mind. N. Y., 1968.

Chomsky N. Formal discus­sion of «The development of grammar in child language» by W. Miller and S Ervin. In: Lester M. (Ed.). Rea­dings in Applied Trans­formational Grammar. N. Y., 1970.

Chomsky N. Remarks on no-minalization. In: J а с о b s R. A., R о s e n b a u m P. S. (Eds.) Readings in English Transformational grammar. Ginn and Company 1970.


Chomsky N. Deep structure, surface structure, and seman­tic interpretation. In: S t e-i n b er g D. D., J a k о b o-v i t s L. A. (Eds.) Seman­tics: An Interdisciplinary Reader in Philosophy, Lin­guistics and Psychology. Cambridge, 1971.

Chomsky N. Problems of knowledge and freedom. Fontana, 1972.

Chomsky N., Halle M. The sound pattern of English. N. Y., 1968.

Clark H. H. Some structural properties of simple active and passive sentences. — «Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior», 1965,

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